Chasing Butterflies

This wall hanging started off as a demonstration at my Piecemakers quilt group thirteen years ago. It is a Continuous Line Applique design. Cutting along only one line on the fabric you get both a positive and a negative form. What started as four squares in the class turned into twenty when I got home. It took me years to decide which threads to use. (Wonderfil Invisafil Blue #2156 in the needle and Mettler cotton grey # 724 in the bobbin won.) I had to decide whether to take the time to outline in thread every single applique cutout. (I did.) I looked for a few years to find the perfect ombre fabric for the sashing. I kept starting and stopping this wall hanging until the Maker’s Marks Reunion Art Show convinced me to finish it. I have always thought that this would be great in a children’s hospital because it is so bright.

66" x 55" | Batik and ombre cotton fabric.

Pattern design by Marjorie Rhine. Fabric selection and sewing by Patricia Lessard. Long arm quilting by Mary Mills. Completed 2024.