One of the things I’ve discovered in my journey as an artist, is that to write an artist’s statement is extremely difficult. I’ve tried to express what inspires me, what I strive to communicate, what gives me joy, and the reality is that variety is what I enjoy most. Sometimes, I’m inspired by light; other times, the atmosphere of a nocturne is what motivates me. Sometimes, I want to paint in oils; other times, watercolor moves me. I tend to get bored doing the same things over and over again. I tire of pretty landscapes, so I try some still life work, or attempt to do abstracts, but I seem to return to the landscape because I live in such a beautiful place, and something grabs me and I’m compelled to try to capture something there. I go round and round, and never know what is going to inspire me next. I feel that I’m still searching for my voice—something that people can identify as mine—but as soon as my work becomes identifiable, I want to try something else. In the end, I always seem to go back to what is comfortable. What I hope, is that with each new experience, when I return to my comfort zone, I bring something new and exciting with me.