Maria Mott Seferovich

Raleigh NC

As an undergraduate, my career goal was to combine premed and art for a career as a medical illustrator. In those days computers were not widespread if not rare, and there was work for anatomical illustrators in hospital surgical suites. These artists would hand draw the anatomy involved in medical procedures. Their work was used in textbooks and publications. But the advent of computerized drawings proved to be much faster and more accurate, and is widely used today in medical journals and textbooks.

My career goal shifted to one of my other passions, the differential education of the gifted and talented, advising educators of new approaches.

After several relocations domestically and internationally due to my husband’s work, my art became a hobby instead of a career.

Today I am drawn to sketching and painting people and animals that I know, with the occasional abstract piece thrown in. I use charcoal, acrylics, and oils.